Choosing to relocate is rarely an easy decision especially when it involves the prospect of moving to an entirely new area. Sometimes the decision is easy, perhaps you have been out of employment for quite some time and find a job out of the area. Maybe you have been eyeing a specific location and everything aligns in the perfect way signaling a move is on the horizon. A Mother’s Touch Movers has had the opportunity to help so many with their Melbourne, FL moves. We’ve packed up homes, loaded trucks, and ushered families into a new lifestyle. We’ve helped families move their elderly loved ones into assisted living facilities and seen the changes that so many must endure. We know that moving is never easy so we help pave the way with expert packing services catered to your specific needs. One thing we do know is that by alleviating some of the stress a move can put on families, we have helped ease some of their burdens. Are you in the midst of a possible transition and wondering if it’s the right choice for you and your family? If so, read on for some tips to help ease your mind and, hopefully, make the decision a little easier.
According to, roughly ten-percent of all Americans have expressed the desire to move. Between 2013 and 2014, one out of every nine of us moved somewhere new, whether it is locally or not. There are certain factors that contribute to these numbers. Demographics play a big role with those who are younger, unmarried, and childless leading the pack. According to Livability, after the age of 25 people tend to move much less and stay rooted where they are for a variety of reasons. If you are considering a move, there are several things you need to factor in when making your decision. It is easy to focus on the negative aspects of a change and get bogged down by issues that do not matter. Whether you are moving for personal or financial reasons, here are some things to take into consideration.
Financial Reasons
Will the move impact your financial resources negatively? A new job is exciting, but will the cost of living in a new area outweigh your ability to live the life you desire? Conversely, is money enough to keep you where you are? You have to choose what you are willing to accept and what you are willing to give up if you go or stay.
Human connection is vital for personal health and growth. Do you have a deeply rooted sense of community where you are? Would you be okay leaving them behind? What about your children, if you have any? How would a move impact their relationships?
When you change locations, your family will have to create new relationships with those around them. New schools, new jobs, new everything means that adjustments have to be made. Are you ready for that?
New Horizons
Will a relocation afford you and your family opportunities that do not currently exist? Many times, there is the notion that more money means more happiness, but this is not always the case. A study from the Center for Health and Well Being at Princeton University has some pretty fascinating answers to this question. The study, High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being, found that emotional well-being is increased with a salary of 75,000 per year. They define emotional well-being as the quality of one’s day to day life. However, when considering how “successful” your life is, more money meant more happiness.
This data suggests there is a point at which money brings happiness but after that, the effects begin to stall. So, you must ask yourself if what you seek is more important than financial gains. If so, maybe you have your answers.
Ultimately, the decision to move is up to what you feel you and your family need most. Take the time to thoughtfully consider all of your options and choose wisely. If you are still on the fence, here is a great survey to help you make up your mind.