Without even being fully aware of how it works in a room, you know when the color has made an impact. Think about it for just a second. How do certain shades of blue make you feel? What colors bring you joy when you are surrounded by them? For example, the color yellow is often referred to as “intense” and “energetic.” Rooms which are fully saturated in this color can bring about feelings an array of feelings from cheerfulness to flat out frustration and anger. According to Very Well Mind, yellow can create a multitude of feelings that vary from person to person. The same can be said for most colors out there. There is even a branch of psychology committed to the profound impact various color has on our lives called color psychology. It’s no wonder that choosing the paint for your new home can be such a daunting task! A Mother’s Touch Movers offers fully customizable professional moving services in Melbourne, FL, and the surrounding areas. We know how important it is for you to feel at home in your new space and often times this requires a paint job or two. If you have ever wondered how to go about choosing the perfect hue, here are a few tips to help point you in the right direction.
How Do You Want to Feel?
Because color can evoke strong emotions, think about how you want to feel in a certain room. Do you want a light and airy feel to your living room? Do you want to set the tone for a restful night’s sleep in your bedroom? What colors bring out the best in your children? These are all things to consider when choosing a color for a room.
Come into the Light
The lighting of a room will have a tremendous impact on your color choice. For example, gray can give off purple, green, blue, even red hues, and this can be due to the amount and type of natural light in a given room. For example, natural light coming from the north is blueish in tone and will contribute to the blue undertones you may see in what was your supposed neutral gray color of choice. Before you fully commit to a color, see what it looks like during all points of light during the day.
Sample Away
Most paint stores will allow you to purchase sample sizes and we highly recommend doing so. Bring the samples home and test them out in your home. Design ideas and pictures online are great for ideas but they will not give a ta true representation of what a given color will look like in your home specifically. Do yourself a favor and don’t buy a paint color without testing it out first.
Color is incredibly important and creates an individual response in each of us. We know how important it is to you that your home feels like, well, home, and color plays a huge role in this. While we can’t help you choose the perfect hue of green, we can certainly help you move with ease. Contact our office today for any questions you may have about your Melbourne, FL move and let us help you get started.