For many families, the decision to move an aging loved one into an assisted living facility is one that has many complex components. Oftentimes, seniors will not ask for help because they do not want to be a burden to their families. At other times, many aging relatives are simply reluctant to leave their homes and are fearful of losing independence. For many in the elderly population, moving to an assisted living facility can represent a loss of identity and value. It is often challenging to determine if now is the right time to encourage your family member to consider leaving their home for a residential community. Have you noticed that your senior loved one has had a harder time handling day to day life? Are they slow to recover from illness or accidents? Have you seen a drop in social activity and an increased withdrawal from others around them? According to, these are all signs that now may be a great time for a move. If you are facing this transition involving a loved one and are wondering how to approach this sensitive topic, here are some reasons why assisted living facilities can be of such value to the beloved senior in your life.
Seniors who live in assisted living facilities often experience a renewed sense of social engagement. Assisted living facilities offer a multitude of social activities to keep residents engaged and thus promote well-being. Amongst others like themselves, seniors can find new passions and create new friendships in a loving location suited to their needs.Assisted living facilities also provide extra safety measures that seniors living on their own are not privy to. General safety is important to all of us and when your senior lives in an assisted facility, extra measures are taken to ensure that they are well cared for without being over burdened by concern.
When seniors relocate to a facility, the fears and worry that accompany those who know and love them can be safely put to rest. Dining options are always available whether that be in their own apartments or eating collectively with a group. You will never have to worry if your loved one is not getting proper nourishment. If something goes amiss in your senior’s living space, there is always someone there to take careful measure of the problem and get it resolved quickly. No more worrying whether that broken lock or window was replaced or not.
When it is time to have the conversation about relocation, keep in mind that your senior could be hesitant. This can be a sensitive conversation and you need to pay special attention to their feelings while describing all the benefits of a facility. A Mother’s Touch Movers in Melbourne, FL is dedicated to helping make the move to an assisted living facility a joyous one. We move seniors to facilities throughout Brevard and look forward to serving you. Contact us today with any questions you may have.