Have you ever noticed how there are tons of articles and advice columns geared towards packing up your pantry? Plenty of information on how to store bedding and drapes is out there. Oh, and want to know how to load up your precious heirloom dishes from your grandmother twice removed, tons of stuff out there to help you with that. Of course, all these things are important and you want them to arrive at their new destination intact, but there are some items that are irreplaceable. We recently wrote a post showing you how to pack your beloved jewelry items; things that hold special memories for you and cannot be purchased again. Now we are going to turn our attention towards something even nearer and dearer to everyone’s hearts: childhood arts and crafts These are items that represent a special moment in time, perhaps years gone by. Once damaged or lost, they cannot be recreated. Here at A Mother’s Touch Movers in Melbourne, FL, we know you want to keep these memories alive. Here are some great ways to do just that.
What parent doesn’t have a box full of construction paper crafts, holiday mementos made at preschool, colored papers, and laminated placemats? If you have kids, chances are you’ve got a lot of these things too. Moving is a great time to purge and get rid of items that you don’t need and for many, going through their kids’ crafts during this time is a good idea. If you want to preserve the memory but not carry around the stuff, Buzzfeed has some great ideas. You can take those creative drawings and turn them into a keychain. Scanning art projects into your computer allow you to keep digital files without having to hold onto them too. You can always look at a photo to remind you of that special time.
Some services such as Keepy allow you to take a photo of artwork from your phone, upload it to their app, and then share with whomever you allow. This is a guilt-free way to save artwork and rid yourself of loads and loads of paper, freeing wall space for other things. ARTKIVE allows you to create a digital archive of all of your children’s crafts viewable from multiple platforms. You can also take those images and have memory books created from them. These are great ways to preserve memories and keep your packing down to a minimum.
For those of you who want to keep hold of these precious crafts and pieces of art, you will want to pack them in waterproof containers in order to prevent moisture from seeping in and ruining the pieces. You can do this several ways. First, try using oversized Ziploc bags. The 2-gallon version is great for holding larger pieces of construction paper and those all too familiar paper plate creations. Another idea is to set aside a few plastic waterproof bins and store the artwork there. The most important thing is to keep water and humidity away from these items in order to ensure they last a lifetime.