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Published on November 29, 2021

Tips for Moving During the Holidays (2021)


The holidays are always a busy time, both personally and professionally. It’s easy for your calendar to get very cluttered extremely quickly. Adding a move during the holidays to the mix takes things to a whole new level. Just the thought of a move, even if it’s just around the corner, is enough to give some people nightmares. Don’t worry. A Mother’s Touch Movers has you covered with a few simple tips for you that should make moving during the holidays a little less stressful.

1. Plan Your Calendar as Early as Possible

Moving at the end of the year can take up a lot of valuable time that is already in high demand during the winter months. Take time to look at and organize your calendar as soon as possible. Determine all of the events and dates that cannot change, such as the end of your lease, your children’s school events, and work-related activities, and plot them on the calendar. Then block out time for less essential events on your social calendar. Once you have a clear picture of how the month looks overall you will have an easier time plotting the events of your move. Having a clear sense of dates and times can really help relieve stress and make your move feel a little more under control.

2. Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Pack

Once your calendar is set and you have better insight into what your days and weeks will look like, it’s time to start packing. There is no way around the fact that moving takes up a lot of time, during an already hectic time of year. There are obligations and fun activities galore. Make sure to start packing as early as you can so that you don’t have to sacrifice spending time with family and friends. When you prolong starting to pack, or waiting until the last minute, you’ll just end up making yourself apoplectic as your moving date draws ever closer and you have fewer and fewer days to get things boxed up and ready to go. Even if you just do a little bit at a time, at least you’ll feel like you are making progress. If you need advice on how to pack fragile items like picture frames or dishes feel free to check out some of our previous A Mother’s Touch Movers blogs.

3. Keep Your Delivery Boxes

One of the simplest and best holiday moving tips is to keep the delivery boxes from all of your online orders to use for packing. There’s a good chance that you are already ordering more packages this time of year anyway, so why not put all of those extra boxes to good use? Moving is expensive enough and using delivery boxes to pack some of your belongings is a great way to save a few dollars. Don’t forget to ask your friends and family to save their extra delivery boxes as well.

4. Donate to Those In Need

There’s never a better time to purge unneeded items than during a move. There’s also a no better time to give to local charities than during the holidays. As your packing for your move, you’ll probably start to reevaluate what really needs to come along with you to your next home and what items really don’t make the cut. Older toys, furniture, and other salvageable items may be just the thing to make the holidays a bit brighter for other local families. Seek out local thrift stores and other local charities that typically are collecting items during the holidays.   

5. Schedule Activation of Utilities

Even in Florida, there can be times when the weather gets downright cold. No one wants to be without electricity, running water or other utilities because you forgot to schedule them to be turned on. Make sure to get on the utility company’s schedule as early as possible so that you don’t have to spend the holidays without some of the creature comforts.

Lastly, remember to take time to enjoy this time of year and don’t be afraid to ask for help with your move. A Mother’s Touch Movers is always here to make your holiday move easier. It’s not always a good idea to try to move heavy furniture and boxes on your own. Often times it’s better to leave the larger items to professionals, particularly if stairs are involved.  A Mother’s Touch Movers is an industry leader when it comes to residential movers. We take a lot of pride in our ability to take a stressful event like moving and make it a little bit easier. We are here to help with all aspects of your move from start to finish. Call A Mother’s Touch Moving, the leading Brevard County moving company, for your free in-person or virtual estimate today.

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A Mother’s Touch Movers is Melbourne’s trusted source for all their moving needs. We are a family-owned and operated moving company in Melbourne, FL with more than 30 years of moving experience.

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